Monday, December 10, 2007

Subsidized Stafford Loans

There are many types of student loans available based on personal need and current financial situation. When given the choice, one of the best available is a Subsidized Stafford Loan. Subsidized means that you will pay ZERO interest while you are in school. All Stafford loans are deferred until you graduate and your grace period is up (usually 6 months after graduation), however, the advantage of a subsidized loan is that the Federal Government will pay for the interest until that time is up.

The Stafford Loan was named after a now deceased former Senator from Vermont Robert Stafford. His hard work on higher education reform was honored by the renaming of the Federal Guaranteed Student Loan program to the Robert T. Stafford loan program. In the '06 school year there were over 7.7 million recipients of this loan who borrowed 28.8 billion dollars of interest free money.

In order to qualify for this loan you will need to apply through the Free Application For Student Aid (more info available HERE). The amount that you qualify for will be based on your EFC (Expected Family Contribution) and your year in school. The maximum for freshmen in 2007 is 3,500 dollars. This amount rises to $4,500 for sophomores and $5,500 for juniors and seniors. The good news for all recipients of Stafford Loans is that as of July 1st, 2006 interest rates are fixed for the life of the loan at 6.8% which is reasonable low. Again, this interest rate does not begin to accrue on your loans until after you graduate. This makes the Subsidized Stafford Loan an attractive option if you are in the market to finance a college education.


Richard C. Lambert said...

however, the advantage of a subsidized loan is that the Federal Government will pay for the interest until that time is up.

ibrahim rafie said...

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ibrahim rafie said...

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